"Little Red House" Remodel
Scope: Design and create plans for addition & remodel to existing federal style residence to prepare for resale. Existing had compressed entry and low window heights on the top floor. Entry addition improved procession, added coat closet and eliminated door swing to stair conflict. Roof dormer addition created usable square footage in new master suite as well as capitalized on water view. Added window to stair to create light-filled experience with water view. Switched to craftsman style to maintain charm.
Low windows did not capitalize on view from second level. No Entry caused front door opened against stair.
Added Entry space with coat closet, larger window at master, and window at stair to experience the view and light when going up or down.
Added dimension and visual interest with trellis but kept orig style of red shake siding.
Seamless look from existing house to new Entry addition.
Windows added at stair create a beautiful experience. View and light added as well as added functional storage.
Galley kitchen is now more connected to dining and family room with additional window to view added.
Vaulted ceiling to new dormer added with larger window at normal header height to view.
Vaulted ceiling to new dormer added with larger window at normal header height to view.